Little Beach (aka "Makena State Park")

Little Beach Maui.jpg
Overview: As Maui's most popular nudist beach, Little Beach in Makena State Park is a scenic sliver of the human spirit that's raw, unedited, and real. It's a place where you check inhibitions at the cliff that separates "Little Beach" from "Big Beach," and a place where it's cool to come as you are, really let loose, and relax.

On summer days it's also great for boogie boarding, and the waves here aren't quite as powerful as the neck-breakers pounding on Big Beach. On days when the ocean is completely calm you'll also find snorkeling around the rocky headland that separates the two beaches.

More recently, the beach has also become infamous as the site of the popular Sunday night drum circle, where fire-twirlers, revelers, nudists, and drummers all soak up the energy of the setting sun and combine it with brownies and booze. While the scene itself is pretty loose, Makena State Park is still a State Park, so there's always the risk of legal enforcement against alcohol and banned substances.

If you decide to visit for the drum circle (or any other day of the week), be respectful, pack out your trash, and leave the place as you found it.

Good For: Naked boogie boarding, eliminating tan lines, Sunday drum circle at sunset.

Not So Good For: Anyone easily offended by nudity and liberal open drug use.

Maui Expert Tip For Little Beach (Makena State Park): Bring footwear to walk on the lava rock trail and a headlamp/flashlight if you plan to walk it in the dark. And, despite the temptation to document the moment, be respectful of everyone on the beach—no cameras or photos allowed.
Directions and Parking Situation: The best place to park when visiting Little Beach is at the first entrance to Makena State Park, more commonly known as Big Beach. As of January, 2020, any visitors without a Hawaii State ID need to pay $5 to park for the day. Also, if you plan to stay late (perhaps for the drum circle), check what time the gates are locked, or maybe even park on the road, though it isn't recommended.

Once on the beach, turn right and walk to the rocky trail that leads up and over the headland. It's a short but steep scramble to Little Beach on the other side.

Facilities: None. Pack it in pack it out. There are porta potties at the first entrance parking lot for Big Beach, and the closest showers are at Maluaka Beach, just a two minute drive down the road.